What are neurogenic tremors and what is Neurogenic Qigong?

“Neurogenic“ simply means caused by, controlled by or arising in the nervous system. Neurogenic tremors are innate to all mammals… These rapid and rhythmic, involuntary muscle contractions are the central nervous system‘s way of releasing excess tension acquired from stress and trauma. Think of a gazelle after getting chased by a lion – when she finally recognizes that she is 100% safe she will shake and tremor, releasing the tension in her system caused by the overstimulating event. She’ll then go back to grazing as if nothing had happened. We humans are equipped with this same, beneficial mechanism – however, we are socially conditioned from a very young age to shut it down and hold it in. This tension releasing tremor is fairly easy to access, and when we allow the body to move in this way, we unravel, unwind, dissolve and release all kinds of trapped, knotted up and contracted energy… Lifetimes of repression. Many of Lara’s clients report accessing memories they didn’t previously have access to, chronic pains disappearing and/or chronic emotional patterns lifting.

Qigong is the ancient Taoist art of developing and cultivating one’s energy through movement practices, internal meditation and clinical treatment. In clinical treatment Lara clears foreign energy, works with the meridians, the point systems along the meridians, the inner cauldrons and the energy field that flows within and around the body.

Neurogenic Qigong is Lara’s own unique combination of neurogenic tremor work and 5 element qigong healing. In a Neurogenic Qigong session, clients learn to access their body’s own neurogenic tremor response. Once the client is comfortable with the shaking, Lara artfully interweaves the qigong healing and 5 element work. Clients are always given homework in the form of personal qigong practices as well as simple and practical ways to support imbalances in order to re-establish health and harmony.

Lara is an amazing healer who saved me so many times. Her in-person healing once helped me resolve a trauma that happened 20 years prior and was still having an effect on my hands. It really helped me to heal my hands from arthritis! It was what I was missing in my fight with that debilitating disease. Her distance healings always helped me to balance my energy so I could come back to my own self. And it always worked! No matter what stress I went through, how low on energy I was, she could always create sacred space that worked in a very profound way. Thank you Lara! 

Olga Pchelintseva-Mares, New York

Lara brings together bodies of wisdom and healing techniques in a way only a true medicine woman can. Five elements Chinese medicine, felt sense focusing and trauma release therapy are all powerful healing modalities but when brought together through her unique understanding something quite extraordinary emerges. She is able to facilitate a healing experience that creates new neurologic pathways that allow the innate health and wisdom of our bodies to flourish and thrive. Her work teaches us how to activate the medicine inside of each of us. Once liberated from stories, judgments and the fight-flight or freeze response around stress and trauma, the innate wisdom in our cells (and in ourselves) is restored and vitality and joy return. Having studied and worked with many different forms of medicine, finding Lara has been a true gift as she brings a unique and needed bridge to our physical, emotional and spiritual health. 

Dawn DeSylvia MD, Los Angeles 

I came to Lara for treatment related to PTSD and trauma. During one of the first sessions I had a big breakthrough and was able to release a lot of pent up pain. It was a very powerful experience. I recommend Neurogenic Qiqong with Lara for people who are seeking healing for old wounds and traumatic experiences. She has a great ability to connect with people.

Jesse Roberts, Bend Oregon

Working with Lara was an unexpected, not to mention profound, source of enlightenment. With Lara's help I learned that the body stores trauma in the nervous system until such a time as it is safe to be released. This can be decades later––well past the point at which we're confident we're adults operating only with adult-level perspectives and maturity. Little do we know that traumas from childhood govern our reactions and responses to the world around us and those closest to us. The series of Neurogenic Qigong sessions I had with Lara provided more than one missing puzzle piece to childhood traumas that impact me to this day. Now that I have a sense of knowing what my body was holding onto, and why those memories were guarded for so long, I am able to examine and process them with the help of a strong support system, and will one day set them free. My time with Lara was invaluable to me and my healing, and I would recommend her work to anyone who has a desire to free themselves from their past. 

Maggie Ragatz, Central Coast California

I came to Lara looking to address some anxiety issues that have flared in relation to the Covid 19 Pandemic and unexpectedly homeschooling my four kids. I was wanting to find a new way to breathe, manage stress and heal a dull ache in my abdomen. Lara gave me simple but effective tools to help me manage my stress moving forward and the sessions themselves left me feeling replenished and with good energy. After each session, I felt less dread and fewer feelings of frustration around my life circumstances. I also appreciated the opportunity to focus on particular words and sounds and felt that my pain was lifting. After one session I checked in with my kids downstairs and my seven-year-old wanted a picture with me. I wasn’t planning on it and took a selfie. It was interesting to observe myself in this photo as you can see the ease of my expression and the lightness I felt. I exuded happiness! The exercises Lara taught me to do on my own have helped me to be more aware of how I am feeling in the morning and at the end of the day. I am now able to clear my mind and focus myself more easily. Lara is kind, thoughtful and easy to work with. I strongly recommend trying a session to find out for yourself! 

Angela West, Utah

Since never having experienced a Neurogenic Qigong session I wasn’t sure what to expect. Mid-session I was feeling an overwhelming sense of transformation. I did not feel as though I was on a mat in a studio, I felt miles away from my body. Yet, at the same time, very grounded and connected to my physical form. Post session, I was surprised by the amount of energy I possessed. There was a lot of physical work that took place during the hour I was on the mat, but at the same time there was space for my mind to relax, wander and many emotions were set free. I was surprised by the many memories that resurfaced during the session and how far back these memories went, some decades old, and others farther than that. The memories carried emotional baggage that I had shoved down at one time or another. Allowing these memories to surface felt necessary and liberating.

After the session, I felt relief from some injuries I had been dealing with in my shoulder and ankle. These injuries had been nagging at me for some time and no amount of rest or exercise had been able to break the tension in them until this session. As I sit and write now, the pain is less noticeable in these areas and feelings of hope are abundant for full recovery.

In summation, I can say that the experience I had with Lara was one of a kind. The transformation that occurred within me through Lara’s guidance was highly therapeutic and deeply healing. Lara has an uncanny ability to hold space passively while at the same time guiding you through the session. I felt completely comfortable with Lara, which allowed me to go deeper into the work that was happening and to be vulnerable with whatever came up during the session. Lara also gave me a full run down of my session afterwards while sharing tea. This was highly informative and helped me process what had just happened.

Vince Robles, San Diego