5 Element Summer Solstice Manifestation course

Next course begins June 21st, the Summer Solstice.

 Years ago while I was living in mountains of Colorado this 5 Element, 3 TanTian, Manifestation practice came to me IN A DREAM. I could never have created this brilliant, complex and powerfully effective practice from my waking, rational mind. In fact, I didn’t even really understand it fully until I shared it with my teacher and she pointed out some things that I hadn’t noticed about its divinely intelligent perfection. I set about using it to manifest a move to California… and from my living room on the Central Coast of California I share it with you now in this 4-week Course.

Go at your own pace and practice for a lifetime.

This course is for you if:

  • …You are curious about the 5 elements and your constitutional element.

  • …You are looking for a highly effective whopper of a manifestation practice.

  • …You want to learn and practice qigong with this growing community.

  • …You would like to explore tangibly feeling energy.

  • …You would like to get more acquainted with your own energy body.

  • …You want to connect with your own divinely Creative nature.

This course includes:

* Class 1: The Science of Manifestation

* Class 2: The 3 TanTians and the Energy Body

* Class 3: The 5 Elements

* Class 4: Lara’s 5 Element Manifestation Practice

* Written teachings on the 5 Elements, the 3 TanTians, the nature of the energy body, Manifestation Science and more

* Detailed written instructions on Lara’s 5 Element Manifestation Practice

* Recording’s of each week’s qigong practice


When we come together in numbers energy is amplified exponentially!!!