…from some of my favorite heroes, mentors and friends!  

“Your oracle deck, The 13 Holy Nights, is truly amazing. The artwork is stunning but also the messages that go with each image are deep and meaningful… I’ve been drawing from the deck and always appreciate the wisdom that comes from the cards I’ve drawn. You have a wonderful way of writing- weaving in mystery and legend with the wisdom of the ages.”

-Rosemary Gladstar, Master Herbalist and Author of several books

“If you want a new approach (to the holiday season), if you want to slip into the cadence of Mother Nature and the womb of winter and embrace it all differently… don’t miss out on this. The 13 Holy Nights Oracle Deck helps you map out a new way and your new year! It all starts 12/21 on the solstice… Don’t get lost in the shuffle. And God only knows, that if 2020 needs anything it’s a calm, intentional close!”

-Best-Self Media

"The wisdom and depth of many years of good practice shine through in this beautiful work. Lara's 13 Holy Nights Oracle offers us a profound way to touch into the sacredness of the dark nights of winter. A beautiful ritual with the potential to transform your life."

-Robert Peng, Qigong Master and author of The Master Key

“I can’t speak more highly of Lara J. Day’s 13 Holy Nights! It has been a life changing practice my family and I look forward to each holiday season, to go inward and await all the magic that transpires from its guidance. It’s a new, yet old tradition, that is re-emerging in a very important time period. I see it catching fire in the years to come, finding its way into more people’s lives, to bring back more meaning, more connection and guidance for the New Year, rather than the programming of cyclical consumerism. Lara has such a beautiful way with words that speak directly, yet gracefully to the reader, and the art work is so whimsical, the images are unforgettable!”

-Erin Walker, Co-Founder of The Juice Ranch

“It was my intention to include the 13 Holy Nights ritual into my spiritual practices as an experience for myself. Little did I know my two daughters, ages 5 and 10, would fully immerse themselves into it with me from the very start. The synchronicities they observed, the thoughts and questions that arose from the practice and teachings were profound and led to deep and inspirational conversations between myself and my children! The 13 Holy Nights deeply resonated with me but also touched me in a special way because of the bond it created for my girls and I. It is a ritual we will now practice every winter solstice! I have paid it forward and bought a deck for my sister and mother and will share with many more. Thank you Lara!”


“I have such gratitude and appreciation for this deck and book. As a five element acupuncturist and medical qigong practitioner, I am always looking for ways to help patients find more peace, stillness, and to tune in to their own abundance and awareness. I purchased this deck late in the season last year and have absolutely loved it. From a patient standpoint, I love that it’s so easy to use, inspirational, and accessible to even those who are less spiritual. Using a deck focusing on animals, plants and crystals is familiar and brilliant. Personally for myself, I have loved all of the magic I have felt come from my first year of doing this. The amount of synchronicities and intuitive nature increased for me dramatically. I am so eager to start this year and have now purchased a special journal I’ll be using each year with the practice. In my eagerness to start again this year I am reminded to send this review that has been brewing in my heart all year long. This has opened up a very intuitive time in life and a vortex of goodness. Thank you so so much for creating this wonderful set.”

Kristin Althea O’Connor, M.Ac., Dip. L.Ac.

“I can’t tell you how much we love your 13 Holy Nights deck. You were so right- It’s crazy cool how life is unfolding in alignment with our cards. Each one of us. Feeling humbled and so blessed for this practice and the magic it’s given us.”  

- Kyla Worthen-Hall

“Words cannot describe how much I love this practice and your beautiful deck and book... My adult son and his wife and I have gotten together the last 3 nights for this... Last night I turned over grasshopper while looking for my son's pick of Star Sapphire. I reshuffled for my own pick and again found grasshopper! My daughter-in-law picked Mugwort, one she had turned to the night prior while reading. We all shared Mugwort tea before I left for home. Your dream remembering suggestions are beautiful. The focused time with my kids is priceless. Thank you so much.”

- Cris Fellows

“I’ve been pulling cards every night and having my hubs and son pull cards too. It has been FASCINATING reading the cards and seeing how PERFECTLY they reflect our personalities, our known struggles and hitting the nail on the head on where and how we should focus our energies. I’m LOVING IT! I feel so fortunate and blessed to have found these and am so excited to watch how the cards we pulled correlate with our spirits in the months to come. Thank you Lara. You’ve shared a beautiful practice.”

- Lydia Lunsford

"Lara has given individuals and families a beautiful way to enter into the holy days and nights. When we connect with the rhythms of the seasons we invite light into our lives. Thus do we make way for miracles."

- Claudia Mclaren Lainson Frequent contributor to The Journal for Star Wisdom